You are most welcome to read the following articles. All are Word documents.
Dr Judith Isroff's review of EMDR and the Energy Therapies
[ American Psychological Association, Division 39[click]

Why Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy? (DOC — 38 KB)

Chapter 1 of Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy (DOC — 45 KB)

Introduction to PEP.doc (DOC — 38 KB)

Research evidence (DOC — 195 KB)

Debunking the pseudoscience debunkers (RTF — 42 KB)

Thought Field Therapy and its Derivatives 2.doc (DOC — 65 KB)

UKCP conference paper 2004 (DOC — 81 KB)

Origins and current developments in energy psychology (DOC — 44 KB)

Marriage of TFT and psychodynamics (DOC — 47 KB)

Basic components of energy psychology.doc (DOC — 22 KB)

Apex effect.doc (DOC — 20 KB)

NICE guidelines are misleading.doc (DOC — 128 KB)

State Regulation of Psychotherapy 3.doc (DOC — 118 KB)