Some relevant links,
including to people
and organisations
that have contributed
to my own training in
energy psychology methods.
For articles, please scroll down.
www.tftrx.com [Dr. Callahan's website]
[British Thought Field Therapy Association]
www.tatlife.com [Tapas Acupressure Technique]
[Seemorg Matrix - now renamed Advanded Integrative Therapy]
www.thoughtfield.co.uk [Robin Ellis, who first introduced me to TFT]
[Sandi Radomski's site for her pioneering work on reducing allergies
and sensitivities]
www.jaswack.com [Judith Swack's Healing from the Body Level Up]
www.emofree.com [Emotional Freedom Techniques]
www.energypsych.org [The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology]
www.theamt.com [The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies (UK based)]
[Dr David Feinstein's research page]
www.innersource.net [Dr David Feinstein's website for training materials]
[Report of a large scale study of energy psychology]
www.passionforheath.com [Sandra Hillawi, who first taught me EFT]
www.shoshanagarfield.com [Dr Shoshana Garfield Ph.D]
http://www.skepticalinvestigations.org [Rupert Sheldrake and others, observing the self-styled 'skeptics']
Here are some of my articles relating to energy psychology:

Introduction to PEP.doc (DOC — 38 KB)

1st chapter of Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy (DOC — 45 KB)

Origins and recent developments in energy psychology (DOC — 44 KB)

Debunking the pseudoscience debunkers (RTF — 42 KB)

Resolving trauma with TFT and its derivatives (DOC — 47 KB)

The evidence base for energy psychology (DOC — 195 KB)

Paper presented to UKCP conference 2004 (DOC — 81 KB)

Notes on the Apex Effect.doc (DOC — 20 KB)

Basic components of energy psychology.doc (DOC — 22 KB)