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The simplest essence of energy psychology

Whilst there are many complexities to the way that distress and disease are patterned into the energy fields of the body, it is possible to state very simply the key processes found in all forms of energy psychology.

In all the variants of energy psychology modalities known to me, we do the following:

[1] Activate the subtle energy system of the body.

[2] Use intention to clear the patterns of distress or disease, including their roots and origins

[3] Target first the internal objections to change (such as beliefs that resolving the problem is not safe, not deserved, or will violate identity)

Why does this work? After all, if we use intention in this way without activating the subtle energy system, nothing much happens. Part of the answer is suggested by the important work of William Tiller, Emeritus Professor of Materials Science at Stanford University. He has written a series of books exploring, both theoretically and experimentally, the realm that is generally thought of as subtle energy.

One of his books is entitled: Psychoenergetic Science: A Second Copernican-Scale Revolution. [2007 Pavior. Walnut Creek. CA]. He describes his experimental work revealing the existence of "two unique levels of physical reality". 

"These are: (1) Our conventional, particulate, electrical, atom/molecular level and (2) a new, magnetic, information wave level that has much in common with the old 'ether' concept of the 1800's. There also is required to exist a coupling medium, of a still higher dimensional nature, that allows these two, unique levels of physical reality to meaningfully interact." [p xv]

"This Level (2) aspect of physical reality responds to a very different type of physics. This latter aspect is modulateable by human consciousness, intention, emotion, mind and spirit!" [p xvi]

The human body-mind system has the capacity to engage and couple these two levels of reality. Thus, on the basis of his experiments, Tiller concludes:

" Via self-training or group-training with focused intentions, humans can consciously and unconsciously manifest desired alterations in the physics-responses of this second, unique level of physical reality. In turn, these material property changes can be registered and recorded even in various types of today's Level (1) instrumentation via the activated coupling medium, which humans are capable of activating via their intentions" [p xvii] 

Most crucially for energy psychology, Tiller finds that the human subtle energy system is the portal, or 'coupler system' to this Level 2 reality that is at a higher dimensional level than Level 1 physical reality. He poses the question:

" Is it possible that when a human being is born, there exists an organ or body system that is at the higher electromagnetic symmetry state (higher thermodynamic free energy per unit volume state)? If so, then this could drive all the processes (mechanical, chemical, electrical and optical) of the rest of the body and would look like a source of life?" [p 88] 

His experiments demonstrate that "our acupuncture meridian/chakra system is the human body system that is at this higher thermodynamic free energy per unit volume state". [p 89]

Tiller revises Einstein's principle of

mass - energy


mass - energy - information - consciousness

Although Tiller's work is complex, his experiments provide support for the hypothesis that the subtle energy system, of meridian, chakras and other related systems, function as portals whereby the Level 2 realm of reality can be accessed - this being a realm which responds easily to intention.

Having discovered this realm, via the meridian system (even if not conceptualising it as Tiller has done), the energy psychologists (beginning with Roger Callahan) observed that changes will often not occur until internal objections to change (conceptualised by Callahan as 'psychological reversals'*) were addressed. These could be regarded as 'rules for permitting or not permitting change'. They can completely block change, but when they are themselves targetted by intention, they too will usually rapidly dissolve, thereby allowing the originally target of change to succumb to intention.


More about Professor Tiller's work can be found at

* Callahan did not himself view 'psychological reversals' as internal objections to change - but it seems to me that this principle is inherent in the phenomena he descovered and described, and many energy psychologists since have construed them in this way.

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