A one day workshop in Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy [PEP]
On Thursday 2nd June 2011, just before the main ACEP conference, I will be presenting a one day workshop on Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy - a condensation of material that I normally present over three days. This informative and experiential teaching will show how to take energy psychology to new depths. Here are some of the topics we will look at:
How to read the energy field of the client, finding precise sequential codings of meridians and chakras that underpin any state of distress, trauma, or conflict.These energetic codings are dynamic, continually changing, as the client moves through the layers of emotion and thought.
How to allow the meridians and chakras to 'speak', revealing the unconscious thoughts and feelings encoded within them.
How to detect the precise psychodynamic conflicts underpining psychological reversals - and how these same psychological reversals can be used to locate the most crucial childhood experiences, beliefs, and traumas.
Finding the hidden realms of distress, in different parts or layers of mind-body-energy system, that are often ignored in other energy psychology approaches.
Working with the 'shadow self' - as both a content of the psyche and an energetic structure click.
Detecting and clearing parasitic energy formations.
Clearing ancestral and 'inherited' trauma.
Eliciting thought-energy fields with eye movements.
Transpersonal aspects of the energy psychological relationship.
Higher Dimensional Healing click
And much more ...
PEP is flexible and exploratory - following the client and your own intuition - and guided by higher parts of yourself and the client. And I promise ... there are NO PROTOCOLS !
There are no right or wrong ways of working with the reality of the psychological energy fields - other than those indicated by ethical principles and those inherent in the client's clinical presentation and psychological needs. Instead, there are basic principles and skills, which can be used to explore and enquire, and assist the client in releasing his or her patterns of distress and dysfunction. These basic principles and skills are open-ended - continually evolving - and can be adapted in myriad ways to suit the client and the challenges presented. An ethical principle, that also supports effective clinical work, is to allow the client's system to lead - thus the therapist's skill is in 'facilitating being led' (i.e. the therapist is led by the client). The procedures of energy psychology allow us to access the guidance of deeper parts of the client, having knowledge far beyond that of the conscious mind.
When working with the basic principle that whatever is distressing or dysfunctional within the mind or body is also expressed as a specific coding in the meridians and chakras, we can address huge areas very rapidly. By reading the specific coding in the energy field, it is possible to clear large areas of distress and distortion without even knowing the emotional content or the nature of the original trauma - it is being accessed and cleared at the energetic level. This can be quicker, safer, and less distressing than ploughing through all the details of multiple traumas. At the same time, we can 'allow the meridians to speak' by inviting the client to speak of whatever comes to mind whilst working with meridians and chakras. Since we do not need the client (or therapist) to know consciously what the significant traumas or other emotional experiences have been, it is possible to use very general (yet carefully worded) 'thought fields' - such as 'the most important issue to clear at the moment, from whatever time, place, or dimension'.
When target issues are not being rapidly resolved at the energetic level, there is always some factor holding them in place - usually a psychological reversal. If we track the roots and origins of the reversal (rather than simply clearing it), we are almost always quickly led to crucial childhood issues. However, it is rarely enough to clear perturbations solely from the meridian system - we also usually need to clear them from their specific coding in the chakras (specific sequences) - but then it is necessary to return to the meridians for a further clearing. In addition, it can be important to seek out more hidden perturbations in different parts of the personality, mind, and dimensional system. All this can be done very rapidly.
These are just some of the basics of PEP. There are many levels and subtleties to the work, including esoteric aspects too complex to describe here [*but see below].
By eschewing strict protocols and procedures, and instead exploring psycho-energetic phenomena as they present, and following our intuitive guidance, we can be open to discovering what is new and hitherto unperceived. Such a stance is congruent with Freud's original recommendation of a stance of 'free floating attention'. It also embraces the 'shared energetic field' aspects of the therapeutic encounter, such that relevant information and guidance arises anywhere in this field - whether in the client's thoughts, emotions, or speech, or in those of the therapist, or just somewhere in the discourse and interaction between them. In this way we can be receptive to grace-filled and unexpected experiences, open to knowledge and guidance in whatever form it comes.
I hope to see you at the wonderful ACEP conference 2011!
[Preconference workshop 2nd June: Reston, near Washington DC - www.energypsych.org ]
Phil Mollon
Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology - and Certification Consultant for ACEP.
*But here is a hint of some of them. The complex physiology of our stress responses is governed by our rapid subcortical (amygdala-based) appraisal of a situation, as well as by our higher cortex-based thoughts. But what governs our thoughts? It is the energy system - and this is part of why energy psychology is so effective. To effect a rapid change in a system we have to work from a dimension above where that system is manifest - the dimensional level where the lower manifest pattern is encoded. We may think of the physical body as dimension 1, the emotional body as dimension 2, the mental-cognitive as dimension 3, and the lowest levels of the energy system as dimension 4. By working with the energy system at dimension 4, we can influence the lower dimensions 3, 2 & 1. However, if we have, for example, parasitic energy patterns at dimension 4, we would have to access dimension 5 to clear these - and so on, up the dimensional hierarchy. There is a further complication. Although higher dimensions influence the lower dimensions, each dimension may have its own sphere of autonomy. For example, our emotional reactions driven by amygdala-based information processing can be relatively immune to influence by changes in higher cortex-based thought (hence the limitations of some versions of cognitive therapy) - so we do have to address each relevant dimension. The beauty and efficiency of tapping on meridian points on the physical body, in procedures derived from Thought Field Therapy, is that all 4 of the lower dimensions are addressed simultaneously - the physical body (the sensory stimulation directly affecting neurobiology), the emotional body, the cortex-based conscious thought, and the 4th dimensional energy body of the meridians. If we also work with chakras we are in addition engaging several more dimensional levels.
For a full clearing of a dysfunctional pattern, it needs to be removed from the morphogentic field - the form-holding informational field that tends to manifest repeating patterns in the person's behaviour and life. This may require multidimensional work - subtle and a little complex, but not difficult - involving a combination of direct sensory stimulation of energy points, use of internal eye movements, breathing patterns, imagery, colour coding, and intention.