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Training in Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy [PEP]

With Phil Mollon PhD

(Psychoanalyst and developer of PEP)

17, 18 & 24 Jan 2015 Enfield Counselling Centre

Many psychotherapists feel at times that talking and understanding are somehow insufficient to resolve or modify the deep patterns of a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. Moreover, counselling and psychotherapy are often very hard and demanding work – and progress can be painfully slow. Can there be approaches that enable the work to be both deeper and more effective, as well as easier for both client and therapist?

The rapidly evolving field of energy psychology can transform psychotherapeutic work – not by supplanting traditional skills of listening, empathy, and reflection, but by providing an additional perspective and set of skills that brings about a (perhaps literal) quantum leap to new realms of depth and speed. This work is not a superficial ‘quick fix’, but is a means of engaging therapeutically with enhanced clarity, precision, and effectiveness.

There are three main roots of energy psychology. The first is the ancient knowledge of the acupressure meridian systems and chakras, the pathways of the flow of information-carrying subtle energy. A second is the work of chiropractor George Goodheart, beginning in the 1960s, exploring the body’s informational signalling system, as further developed by psychiatrist Dr John Diamond. The third root is the discovery of various techniques to bring about rapid shifts in subtle energy that result in equally rapid changes of emotional state, thought, and behaviour – these methods were developed by psychologists and others, beginning with Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy in the 1980s. A broad and varied family of these energy psychology approaches has developed – and they all work extremely well. There is now a great deal of research evidence supporting them (although they are far from regarded as ‘standard care’ and would still be viewed by many as ‘experimental’).

One problem with the various modalities of energy psychology is that they tend to be taught as techniques, without integrating them within broader fields of psychodynamics and traditional skills and knowledge of counselling and psychotherapy – and thus limiting their appeal to many established practitioners of these arts. Phil Mollon, drawing on his background as a psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, and clinical psychologist, and his 40 years of clinical experience, finds that the patterning of information in the body’s energy system precisely maps the psychodynamics of the mind – and he thus calls his open and evolving approach Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy [PEP]. He is recognised as a leading figure in the emerging field of energy psychotherapy in the UK and internationally.

This training is for counsellors and psychotherapists who have gained competence in conventional methods. It consists of two days, with a follow-up day – and further days as required. Here is some of what you will learn:

  • The tangible reality of the body’s energy – seeing and palpating the ‘thought field’ in the body

  • Finding the precise energetic coding of any state of distress

  • Identifying the precise internal objections, or resistances to change – and how to enable the client to modify these rapidly

  • Identifying the energetic countertransference

  • Working with transpersonal aspects of the energy field

  • How to use words with stimulation of the meridians and chakras for maximum effect – and how to enable the meridians and chakras to speak

  • How to be guided by your highest/deepest intuition

  • How to use simple energy procedures to reduce distress and enable the client to feel, think, and speak more coherently – and to make better use of the session

  • How to enable the client to leave a session feeling relieved and positive, rather than distressed and overwhelmed

  • Use of esoteric imagery to facilitate deep and rapid change

The teaching is always fresh and up to date – nothing is held back for ‘advanced’ workshops.

Phil Mollon’s book Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy [Karnac 2008] is the recommended text.

In addition to his passion for energy psychotherapy, Dr Mollon has written and taught on a range of psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic topics, including trauma, dissociation, shame, narcissism, self-psychology, and EMDR. His most recent book is The Disintegrating Self: Psychotherapy with adult ADHD, Autistic Spectrum, and Hypermobility [Karnac 2015].

To apply for the training at Enfield, go to:

(scroll down the page until you see the event listed)

The costs are £280 for the three days.

Money can be paid to Enfield Counselling Service

Addressed to Mariola Kaprata

St Paul's Centre,

102a Church Street,



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