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Finding the energetic coding for a state of distress

The following procedure will only makes sense to

those practitioners who are trained in energy testing and therapy localisation

[such as taught in the Callahan material click]

  • Identify and correct any systemic energy dysfunction.

  • Identify and address any psychological reversals in relation to resolution of the target problem - using muscle testing.

  • Now test the arm while the client thinks of the problem. The arm should go weak.

  • You are now going to look for a meridian 'alarm' or test point that makes the arm strong when the client touches that point whilst thinking of the problem.

  • There will only be one alarm point at a time that will make the arm strong.

  • You can use the tapping/treatment points, but the alarm points are more sensitive - and easier when the tapping points are themselves on the hand. The alarm points are listed in various energy medicine and energy psychology texts - and also in the manual on my website. They were identified first in the traditions of acupuncture and applied kinesiology.

  • Although you could have the client touch each alarm point systematically, in practice you will be able to make good guesses, based on either intuition or your knowledge of likely meridian sequences associated with particular emotions.

  • Once you have found the relevant meridian, ask the client to tap the associated treatment point. For example, if you found that the stomach meridian alarm point (on stomach) made the arm strong, you would ask the client to tap under the eye.

  • Then you test the arm again whilst the client thinks of the problem. If it is still weak, find the next alarm point that makes the arm strong. You will find that if you check the previous alarm point it will no longer make the arm strong (because now you are looking for the next one in the sequence).

  • Repeat this procedure, of finding the meridian that makes the arm strong, then tapping the meridian treatment point - until the arm remains strong when the client thinks of the problem.

  • Using this precise meridian diagnostic procedure, you would usually find the SUDs drop in significant chunks - at least two points at a time - with the whole issue collapsing with just a few points. If it does not, there is probably a reversal or systemic interference - find it and correct it. Be alert to 'mini-reversals' (against being 'completely' over the problem) - these will often interfere with full resolution, until corrected.

  • You will find that using this procedure you do not necessarily need to know the content of the 'problem' since you are finding and clearing the energetic coding. Thus it can be used easily for non-conscious and early trauma.

  • When using this procedure you do not need to be as detailed with emotional aspects - the client is thinking free-associatively within the privacy of their own mind whilst you find and clear the energetic coding.

  • Initially the procedure may seem slow and cumbersome and a little awkward. It can be made smoother by a simple refinement (originally suggested by John Diepold). Instead of having the client put his or her fingers on the alarm points (which are actually rather precise), you (the tester) just think of the alarm points - scan them in your own mind whilst testing the client's arm. With practice you can become fast and fluent.

  • A further refinement is to energy test yourself whilst focused on the client. You may also find, as I do, that you learn to sense the subtle energy flows to different alarm points in your own body as you focus on the client.In this way, the 'reading' of the client's energy field, with its meridian (and chakra) coding, can be fluidly integrated with conventional psychotherapeutic discourse. 'Listening' to emotions, cognitions, and energy simultaneously becomes routine and automatic.

  • By finding the specific meridian coding underpinning any state of distress (whether emotional or physical) we are finding the energetic information (or 'software') that holds the program for pain. We are dealing with energetic information, rather than simply energy per se.

  • For me, the idea that any state of pain has an energetic coding, which can be located through a simple muscle testing procedure, has been a tremendously exciting insight. It is absolutely core and crucial - fundamental to everything else in energy psychology.

Deeper diagnosis - finding hidden perturbations

  • Having cleared the perturbations from the first level, through the above procedure, a more thorough result can be obtained by searching for the deeper or hidden perturbations. This can be done simply by prefacing a reference to the target problem with a phrase relating to a particular level or realm of the mind-body-energy system. Thus, we might test for "my unconscious mind - this trauma". Commonly, remaining perturbations will then be disclosed, even though these were not apparent in response to "this trauma". There is no inherent limit on realms that might be checked in this way. Some suggestions include:

  • my chakras

  • unconscious mind

  • my body

  • my brain

  • all parts of me

  • Having located perturbations in any of these areas, the procedure is the same as above - locate the sequence and clear the energetic distress.

  • When working with the chakras, a sequence may be located in just the same way as with the meridians. Once perturbations have been cleared from chakras it may be necessary to return to the meridians to clear further energetic coding that has surfaced there. 

Hidden reversals and dissociation

  • If perturbations do not clear easily or if the emerging sequence appears very long, it is likely that hidden psychological reversals are present (that may not have been apparent at the beginning of the procedure). Another common reason is the existence of some degree of dissociation - which can be detected through testing 'all parts of me are in my body'. Parts that are 'not in the body' will not participate in the energy healing until specifically targeted. 

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