Please note that much of the content on this website is of a speculative and exploratory nature. It reflects a sincere and ongoing (but possibly erroneous) enquiry into the interface of the psyche and hypothetical realms of the human energy system. The latter may be considered a deeper part of the unconscious mind, perhaps best thought of as the 'dimensional unconscious'. Work in this area is experienced as highly beneficial by some (and is supported by relevant research) whilst others may dismiss such effects as the result of suggestion, 'placebo', charisma, or other 'non-specific' or 'common' therapeutic factors. Please read the 'note of caution'. The professional body for energy psychology is the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP).
Welcome to this website dedicated to the provision of information about energy psychology - particularly Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy.
There is a great deal of information here, not all of it coherently organised since the site has evolved over a number of years.
Energy psychotherapy is not for everyone - but for those to whom it appeals, it can be both interesting and helpful. The Home page may be a useful starting point.